On my last day of work, I was held down and covered with lactulose and metamucil after a failed attempt to tape me to a chair and send me to the first floor. Good times. This was followed closely by three nights of mass drinking and dancing with friends. I had an awesome send-off! And so, now I am here. Flights 1 and 2 were uneventful. Flight 3 arriving in Sydney felt more like flying into London, or at least what I think it would be like to fly into London. Thick, foggy clouds covered the sky and it was spitting rain. Still warm though. And humid. However, my arranged pick-up never made it pick me up. NICE. I ended up having to take a taxi to my new residence. I wasn't tickled by the idea. The above pictures reflect my new room for the next 6 months. It leaves a lot to be desired but a small price to pay really, for the good times coming up. No cockroaches yet and I've already met a few people. If you can believe it, I went to school with one of the girls living on my floor. AND, she worked on Unit 51. WEIRD. Anyway, that's all for now. Tomorrow, I attempt to figure out the transit system. Hopefully the weather is better too. I'd like to take in the beach as well. Talk soon.
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