So, from Queenstown we headed back round to Christchurch. Very long drive, on the road for most of the day. Left the next morning for Kaikoura, a pretty little town on the way to the N. Island. Who should be on our bus but the 2 American guys we'd met in Airlie Beach. Turns out they're 23, totally underestimated their ages and hence, no longer interesting. We were meant
to go whale-watching in Kaikoura, but unfortunately the weather wasn't very good and it got cancelled. Spent a low-key night in the hostel. The following morning we travelled from Kaikoura to the ferry terminal along the east coast. Pretty dramatic scenery on the drive, craggy cliffs and winding roads all the way to the ferry terminal. I spent the 3 hour ferry ride sleeping. Not much to see except for lots of water. After arriving on the N. Island, our stopover for the evening was in Wellington where we spent a night out on the town before leaving in the morning for Taupo (toe-paw). Taupo definitely the highlight of the N. Island so far. The drive was pretty uneventful, did get to see Mt. Doom from Lord of the Rings though. But, why was Taupo the hightlight? That's where Val and I threw
ourselves from a plane at 12,000 ft. in the air. Such an amazing experience! A huge rush! Who knew I had the courage to do all the things I've done. Was a little nervous heading up, but as soon as your legs are hanging out of the plane, I was the first out, the terror is replaced by absolute amazement. We had a 45 sec. freefall at 200km/h with views of almost the entire N. Island, as well as the 616km wide Lake Taupo - big enough to fit the whole of Singapore in. It's really hard to describe what it feels like - it was so surreal. It took a few seconds for my brain to kick in - then I could feel the intensity of the wind, the goggles against my face, the weightlessness of my body and the air hitting the back of my throat. All the while, the video guy is trying to get you to look at him and grab his hands and legs. Yeah right. It was so much going on at once and then all of a sudden the chute
is out and your yanked upward. And then, nothing. No sound, just your voice and the voice of the guy your attached to as you drift down to the ground. The views were absolutely incredible. Would definitely skydive again and would recommend everyone trying it out. Incredible!
The next day we headed out to Huka Falls. Great views of Taupo and the Waikato River. Also passed the site for Taupo bungy. Val must have had little left-over adrenaline from the previous day cause she worked up the courage to jump. She didn't approach the event with the same enthusiasm as I, it made for some really great entertainment though. Took her a good 5 minutes and a couple of almost jumpts before she finally made the leap. Truly an amazing accomplishment for her as well.
Currently in Rotorua aka "rotten rua". Heading out to see some geothermal stuff tomorrow.
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