For those of you on my email list, forgive me for the reruns. Here's a couple pics. Prince of Wales Hospital and Coogee Beach. Alright, it's just Prince of Wales Hospital. Can't upload the beach.
Hello everyone! 3 days in and loving it! Few minor glitches after arriving in Sydney airport . . . as in, my airport pickup didn't show. Welcome. I've been quite productive since arriving. The living arrangements are nothing to write home about, but it's somewhere to sleep. There's a resident cat and a resident "creepy" guy, whom just so happens to live on my floor. My luck NEVER runs out! He skulks around and holds a permanent spot on the couch. He's a Sydney resident so not sure why he lives in residence. I do my best to avoid him.
Today's the first day it's been sunny so I walked down to the beach . . . only 20 minutes away on foot. Lot's of eye candy . It took a while to work up enough courage to hit the water. The waves are a LOT bigger than Mexico. First contact with the water also revealed the water is a lot colder. I entered at a time when the waves were about knee high. However, these waves were quickly followed by waves over my head. Needless to say, I ended up tossed back to shore with my top flipped up. It was one of those moments when I had wished I was with someone to laugh with. Instead, I had a quick chuckle to myself. There's certainly no way of easing yourself into the water. I'll have to check out other beaches in the future.
Went to the mall today to pick up a uniform. I had been told scrubs were fine, but apparently they're not. Golf shirts and pants. They call it "smart". I call it uncomfortable. Met with my unit manager today. Only 17 beds on the unit, 14 of which are open. Not sure I'll like the med/oncology but it's only til end of January. Hope they've got a sense of humor! Turns out, I live on the same floor as and will be working on the same unit as a girl from Calgary who went to Mount Royal with me and got here two weeks ahead of me. Small world.
And so, that's everything in a nutshell. I'm off to the pub tonight for a pint . . . schooner as they call it.
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