Well, Rotorua certainly lives up to its nicknames "Sulphur City" and "Rottenrua". The place reeks like sulphur dioxide and I was not sad to leave, the smell having permeated every pore in my body and every article of clothing I owned. We did see a lot of cool stuff though. Rotorua lies on the Pacific and India/Australia tectonic plates, resulting in some pretty amazing volcanic and geothermal features. Apparently, they get up to 800 earthquakes a year but they only feel about 200 of them. Interesting. The landscapes in and around Rotorua are all cracked as a result and of course, they get the wonderful sulphur dioxide aroma. Val and I headed to a couple sites of geothermal activity, Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland and Waimangua Volcanic Valley. Pretty cool, but again, really stinky. Left for our final bus ride to Auckland the following morning. Headed out for a couple drinks as it was also Val's last night out before heading back home to Calgary.
Haven't done much traveling. Been as far east as Toronto and Montreal and as far west as Vancouver and Victoria. Also been to Arizona (saw the Grand Canyon) and California (San Diego, amazing). This year I plan to see a heck of a lot more. Other than that, I've been working my ass off as a Registered Nurse for the last year and am ready to see what the rest of the world has to offer me.
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