So, here we are at surf camp. Went out to a place called Crescent Head, which is a 5 hour bus ride from Sydney. We surfed at a beach called Delicate Knobby? Interesting name. It literally felt like I was at camp. Went up with Vickie and Jen, a couple of great friends I've met while here. We stayed in a room with bunk beds, there were campfires and lots of music. Maybe a little bit of drinking. I was super apprehensive about getting in the water, but after receiving some instruction, was feeling a little more confident . . . until it was actually time to get in the water. Turns out though, I didn't think about sharks once. Your so focused while you're in the water that you don't really have time to
think of anything else but getting on your board. I was more paranoid about drowning or getting dragged into a rip tide. It turns out I'm a natural. Picked it up really quickly. Made it onto the board several times. Also fell off several times as well. I thought I was in good shape before I hit the water but once I got in there, I quickly realized how intense the workout is. No wonder surfers are totally cut. I found out when I got back that there had been 3 shark attacks in the area. Whether those were nips, bites or amputations, I'm not sure. Don't care to know to be quite honest. I DO want to get back in the water again. The trip itself was amazing. Great to get out of the city and I can't remember the last time I was able to see so many stars in the sky. It was surreal.
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